Formed in 1994 Babylon Zoo is the brainchild of Musician, Artist and Filmmaker Jas Mann. Upon leaving renowned indie band, The Sandkings in 1992, Jas went on to establish a film and music collective called the New Atlantis. One of the first projects to developed was a short film entitled ‘Spaceman – sub organic mutation’. The film spawned a series of new songs which Jas would go on and demo in the new Atlantis production studios. These songs captured the attention of executives at Warner brothers who would offer Babylon Zoo a multi album contract. Initial recording of the debut album, ‘The Boy with the X-ray eyes’ commenced in 1995. However, due to the suits playing musical chairs, EMI records would poach Babylon Zoo in an unprecedented artist contract buyout. The album would eventually be released in 1996 to widespread commercial and critical acclaim. A follow up album, King Kong Groover was released in 1998. Babylon Zoo to date have achieved multiplatinum sales with over 21 Global number one hit records.


archive footage
Coming Soon

Babylon Zoo Store
Coming soon the Ultimate Babylon Zoo collection featuring artwork by JasMann